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Glitch in new Canon T6 Sensor?

Affected Canon T6s sensor; Photo Credit: Lensrentals.com 2015

Kudos to the guys at lensrentals.com for their continuing contribution to the industry beyond being a cool vendor. They’ve just discovered a sensor manufacturing defect in a run of Canon’s Rebel T6s [B&H | Amazon] and T6i [B&H | Amazon], two of the company’s brand-new models.

Stuff happens.

To everyone.

Here’s the important thing: if you’ve just bought one of the T6 models – or are considering purchasing one — you need to know about the manufacturing defect Roger and Aaron discovered in a run of T6 sensors.

Here’s the more important thing:  studies indicate that the most loyal customers are those who have problems that are sorted beyond their expectations by the manufacturer. In this, Canon has an opportunity.

If you see your sample has a problem, contact Canon.

I’m betting they’ll make it right.


Canon T6 Sensor Issue

Via LensRentals:

The bottom line is that 4 of the Canon T6s and 2 of the T6i cameras we received had to be sent back because of a defect in the sensor stack (the layers of filter glass over the sensor). This is out about 10 copies of each; the others were absolutely perfect.

The affected cameras all had a dramatic pattern that at first we thought was oil or dust on top of the sensor glass.

Affected Canon T6s sensor; Photo Credit: Lensrentals.com 2015
Affected Canon T6s sensor; Photo Credit: Lensrentals.com 2015

But when the techs couldn’t clean the ‘dust’ off, they alerted us. Closer examination with a 10X microscope show the spots are inside, within the stack and under the top layer of glass. I would assume it’s a defect in the adhesives used to put the layers of glass together, but I don’t know for certain. One person has suggested there may have been dust on the glass when the adhesive was applied, which seems logical, but again, I have no real knowledge of how it happens.

The affected cameras all looked exactly the same, so I won’t bore you with more images. It’s quite easy to see, even without a sensor loupe, so don’t make yourself crazy trying to find it on your camera; if it’s there, you’ll notice it. Actually it’s easier to see without a sensor loupe. Angled light seems to show it up very clearly, lights shining directly down on the sensor not quite as much. The other cameras had no signs of this at all, so it was either a ‘yes’ or ‘no’ situation. We didn’t see any cameras with just a few dots.

Read full article at LensRentals “Canon T6 Sensor Issue”

Note: it is our policy to give credit as well as deserved traffic to our news sources – so we don’t repost the entire article – sorry, I know you want the juicy bits, but I feel it is only fair that their site get the traffic and besides, you just might make a new friend and find an advertiser that has something you’ve never seen before


(cover photo credit: snap from LensRentals)

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